Friday, 28 August 2015



Spoken English Activity (SEA) is one of subjects that are taught in English Department of State University of Padang. Sophomore students in their fourth semester can take this subject, which has only one credit. The goal is to improve students’ English ability orally through activities, such as singing, debate, poetry reading, drama, speech, master of ceremony, news reading, storytelling, and dancing. Students choose one of those activities according to their interest and talent. Especially for Singing Club, Master of Ceremony Club, and Dancing Club, students who are interested to join those clubs should take an audition first because besides the large number of interested persons of those clubs, students must have a talent related to those clubs. One or two lecturers guide for each club. At the end of the semester, students will perform their talent based on what clubs they are belong to, and it will be their final examination.
For SEA 2015, the theme is Tribute to Teacher. The supervisors of SEA 2015 were Miss An Fauzia Rozani Syafei, Miss Leni Marlina, and Miss Delvi Wahyuni. The performance held on May 29th, 2015 at Teater Tertutup FBS UNP. Singing Club presented seven performances, which consist of two solos, three duets, one quartet, and one for all club members. The supervisor for Singing Club is Mr. Don Narius. Debate club made one performance. The topic is about teacher. Miss Witri Octavia is the supervisor of Debate Club this year. Poetry Reading Club was guided by Miss Delvi Wahyuni. This Club also performed once. They presented the Reggae Poetry. Then, Mr. Havid Ardi guided Master of Ceremony Club. All of the club members were being an organizational committee or SEA Performance. Three of them were being MC, which led the SEA performances. News Reading Club was guided by Mr. Jufri. During the class, they went to TV station and Radio station to learn about broadcasting system. At the final performance, they performed twice. Next, Storytelling Club also performed twice. Every week during the class, they always presented their story and made a video about how they perform their story. Miss Leni Marlina is the supervisor of this club. Then, Dancing Club is the club where I was belongs. After taking an audition, students learned and practiced dancing at Sanggar Syofyani, which is owned by Mam Syofyani, the supervisor of Dancing Club. The Dancing Club performed five times. They were Pasambahan Dance, Indang Dance, Serampang 12 Dance, Plate Dance, and Kipas Dance. Speech Club which guided by Miss Fitra Wati performed four times. They are twice for Speech and twice for Stand Up Comedy. The last club is Drama Club, guided by Mr. Devi Kurnia Alamsyah, performed once as the last performance for SEA 2015. The drama’s title is The 70’s.

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