Name : Musfera Nara Vadia
NIM/BP : 1300925/2013
Class : K4/13
Essay Grade : Not Graded
Paragraph Writing 1
NIM/BP : 1300925/2013
Class : K4/13
Essay Grade : Not Graded
Paragraph Writing 1
and Sex Education
days, sexual crimes have been rushing into teenagers and children’s life.
Indonesian Child Protection Commission noted that more than 100 Indonesian
children are being victim sexual crimes. In addition, teenagers have done free
sex; in worst, some of them assumed that free sex is fair deal. Besides that,
children sexual crimes are not only doing by strangers. In some cases, people
who close with children -teacher, relative, new friend- also did children
sexual crimes. As a result, children and teenagers should learn about sex
education in order to prevent and resolve problems about it. They need to
realize how importance to respect and to take responsibility of their body for
their brilliant future.
In psychology sides, sex education is very important for
children development in order they do not misconception about sexual
perception, and it prevents risk of sexual crimes. Like children, parents also
should learn about sex education and how children’s life looks like now.
Therefore, communication relationship between parents and children will wide
open. Parents will be easy to take control of their children, and they can
teach their children in good ways. It is important to understand the stages of
sexual development children are likely to go through at different ages and what
parents can do to help them adjust to the changes they will experience. Parents
are often relieved to hear that helping their child towards a happy, healthy
sexuality does not come from any ‘one big talk’ that must be word perfect.
There are several ways to teach sex education for children according to their
development stages.
First stage, younger children (five to seven), parents
should teach their children five to seven years of ages about the basic
learning how to respect their body. The basic learning means learning how to
understand their body part. Teach children the names of the sexual parts of the
body and body functions – this helps them to communicate more clearly and
contributes to their safety and wellbeing. Because children in this stage have
a curiosity about their bodies, parents will be the main guide for appropriate
behavior. Therefore, parents should teach their children how to esteem and
protect their bodies. For example, parents should teach them how to care for,
and to keep in good health their bodies. In addition, parents have to introduce
the differences between opposite sex to children. It is important for them to
know about boy and girl’s relationship.
Second stage, intermediate children (eight to ten), parents
should teach their children how to prepare themselves when the changes of
puberty came. In this stage, parents have important role of their children’s
development. Parents have to make sure that children have abilities to
differentiate between internal and external bodily events. It means that
children should know about marks of primary and secondary sexuality according
to their each gender. For example, for girls, there is a need to know about breast
development, and the onset of menstrual cycles. In boys, there is a need for
information on genital growth and ejaculation. Although males do not have a
direct counterpart to menarche in females, the first nocturnal ejaculation of a
young boy can cause the same psychological concern. The most important that
these body changes are part of normal sexual development. Because children are
in the puberty changes, parents should demonstrate children to
take responsibility of their healthy reproduction as general. That is, parents
should teach children what the cause and effect of boy and girl’s relationship.
For instance, parents should explain that between boy and girl should have
Next stage, older children (eleven to twelve), parents
should teach their children the biology of sex and reproduction more details
rather than intermediate children. Children on this stage are still having a
big curiosity; however, they know more and more according to their own
experience, but it is still not enough. Therefore, parents should teach their
children about marks of primary and secondary sexuality both of them. It means
that both of boy and girl should know about their opposite sex puberty
development. Girls should know about male pubertal changes, and boys should
know female pubertal changes. In addition, children should comprehend and
accept their pattern personal development.
stage, teenagers, parents should demonstrate teenager to comprehend about sex
education according to their changes of puberty experience. On this stage,
their biological development is established. Most
pubertal changes have occurred, and most of their physical attributes are set.
Therefore, teenagers should know about their physical development and
their psychology development. For the reason, teenagers have to figure out
sexual anatomy and teenager reproduction. Talking about teenager reproduction,
it is important for them to identify performing sexual acts deviation. It also
has relation with sexually disseminated infections. Therefore, teenagers should
comprehend about that, and they should avoid for doing free sex. They should
realize consequent by doing sexual acts deviation as personal and as person in
society. On the other hand, according to psychology side, personal appearance
and social popularity grow to be overwhelming forces in teen’s daily life.
Teenagers join in society; therefore, they should expand responsibility of
relationship in society.
How suffer if parents still do not understand how
importance the benefits and purposes of sex education for children. There is
still suppose that sex education is not necessary because it can make children
do negative things. Sometime parents are difficult to begin conversation about
sex with children because they think it is taboo to discuss with them. From
these ways above, parents can have new perspective about sex education, they
know more about how importance sex education for childhood according to their
development stage, and they have right comprehend about how to convey sex
education for their children with perfect words. If parents still lack to
convey it, or parents feel uncomfortable to discuss about it with their
children; parents need to think about their own moral, ethical, and religious
sexual standards so that parents can better explain their point of view to
their child.